Travel Tips and Tricks
There is a Dutch proverb which goes like “he who is outside his door has the hardest part of his journey behind him.” And that’s right on the point. Everyone wants to travel but it takes guts to start it.
However, traveling is different when you are going abroad. It doesn’t matter how much you traveled in your own country, if you are going to fly internationally, the rules are going to be different just like grandma’s recipes which are different for different tastes.
Because when you go to a completely different place, it can be confusing. You don’t know what things you’re gonna need most of the time. Which clothes are best for the place and where are good food spots.
Master the Art of Packing Light
Don’t pack the whole house with you. It will only make you tired and exhausted. The purpose is to enjoy the travel not to drive the luggage. Always pack light and just important stuff. Important stuff included essential clothes, a towel, travel shoes, and a few other personal items which you think you cannot buy or find in the hotel room.
To avoid yourself from packing too heavy, you should buy a light suitcase or backpack. If the bag has less space, you are automatically going to pack less. Because subconsciously we want to fill the space.
If you have the extra space in your bag, you are going to end up taking more things with you than you are meant to. You’ll regret it later as you’ll be carrying around a bunch of stuff you don’t need as well as more weight on your shoulders.
It’s difficult to carry the luggage to train stations and move to stairs or pass through a busy area. Loading and unloading will take more of your energy than the actual travel tasks.
If you are travelling for a long trip level – 8 suitcase will do for you. Make sure you pick a durable, and handy bag. It’s even better if there are compartments in it. Your things will stay organized.
It’s even better to use packing cubes. They will keep your things more organized than suitcase compartments.
Always make sure to pack extra socks, underwear, and a towel. You can wear slightly rough jeans but wearing smelly socks and panties will make you highly uncomfortable. So, carrying an extra pair of all these things will make your job a lot easier.
Bring Multiple Bank and Credit Cards
In normal circumstances, you stick with one card. Because you don’t want to get into the hassle of paying bills and stuff. But when you are travelling abroad, you will have to carry an extra credit card. It will keep you out of bind.
Make sure to get a Visa or Mastercard because not all vendors accept all cards. But Mastercard and Visa are accepted everywhere. However, you might not want to take more than two cards because if you get pickpocketed, you will have to call many companies and it can be a headache.
Keep your cards safe and not easily accessible. There are more chances of being pickpocketed if you are going to tourist places.
Explore Local Gems with Free Walking Tours
Don’t spend money on going to different places. You can enjoy it more by walking. You will get familiar with the local landscape by walking. This will also enable you to get familiar with local languages. Try to learn some common phrases in local languages such as Thank you, Sorry and It’s nice to meet you.
Find Cheaper Flights
As it happens when you are travelling internationally you cannot keep the track of expenses properly. It’s because we are not familiar with the expenses and how to take care of them. To keep a record of your expenses, do thorough research before your trip.
Sometimes it’s cheaper to not fly directly to the place where you are meant to reach. But maybe you can land at another place and then take a train and reach your destination. You can at flight at search engines like Skyscanner.
Also try to find some local places with sales, promos and offers. Especially what food do you want to eat on your trip, that should be decided beforehand.
Experience a Solo Travel
Solo travel is one of the best adventures you can ever have. It will help you to know yourself better and the importance of independence. Though it sounds cliché but its true.
You can do what you really want. You can go to places which you like and eat food of your choice which gets somehow compromised. Because you must come up with common ground with other people and have to take care of their needs as well.
Visit Tourism Information Centres
Visiting tourism information centers might seem not that necessary. But this is one place with know all quality. They will have information about activities, events, discounts, and many other things happening in the town.
Sometimes they offer discounted trips to local places. A trip with them can save you money and time. However, somehow this tip is not well known, and people tend to miss it a lot.
Never Buy a Money Bag
Many tourists tend to buy money bags. Money bags look stupid and don’t give you the savvy look which you might be imagining having on your trip.
Also, it doesn’t keep you safe from thieves. It’s like shouting come bull, hit me, meaning that if you are wearing a money bag thieves will know you are tourist, and they will try to trick you.
Keep Things Super Simple When You Go Out
Never carry around unnecessary cash or any other valuable thing when you go out. Take one card with you and minimum cash. Normally just 50 to 100 USD cash will do for you. Because you can always pay with your card if you end up liking something. If a card gets stolen or snatched, you can always call the bank to deactivate it.
Stay in Hostels
Don’t book hotel rooms if you are a solo traveler and not a millionaire. Hostels are cheap and fun. You will meet a lot of other fun people who are travelling and that’s where the good part of travelling comes.
What’s the point of travelling if you don’t meet new people. Hostels also organize events, and you can also find cheap beer at these hotels. You can also get a hostel pass which is card that will make you eligible for discounts at hotels.
Use no-fee bank Cards!
Banks are always ready to take a pie from your hard-earned money. Never give them and save that money for your travel. Use the credit or debit card which doesn’t charge foreign transaction fee. Though it sounds that few dollars don’t matter but over time those few dollars really add up.
Prioritise Flexibility in Your Itinerary
Always book in advance and keep your itinerary flexible. You can never predict what’s actually happening tomorrow. So advance booking will allow you to meet your travel deadlines.
Planning an itinerary can be fun and exciting for you. However, it can be really overwhelming as well. Just keep things flexible so that it could change according to the needs of yours.
Invest in Good Equipment
Investing into good equipment is going to give you a high return on investment. If you have a good pair of shoes that’s highly comfortable and durable, your travel fatigue is going to be less. Taking care of your feet is important because those babies will take you around. You are dependent on their wellbeing.
Also, a good and comfortable backpack will solve half of your worries. Keep it light though. So, if you want to spend extravagantly somewhere, do these two things.
Purchase travel Insurance
Although you might be reluctant to go for travel insurance because you can never be sure when your next international trip is going to be. Also, will you be able to afford it or not? But that’s worth it. You can save yourself from travel accidents.
Plan Your Budget
Divide your budget into three sections. Money for preparation expenses. It includes flight charges, your clothes, and other accessories. Second is your actual travel expenses. It will include the money you are going to use when you are there. Like hotel charges, travel expenses, eating expenses and shopping. Third is your emergency funds. Keep some money aside for any emergency. So that you could use it in case of emergency.
For a smooth and stress-free travel experience, don’t forget to manage your finances wisely. Use TangoPay.co.uk for secure, no-fee transactions abroad. With our multi-currency accounts, you can easily convert and spend your money without hidden charges, ensuring you save more while traveling.
If you are here because you are taking your next international trip, you are lucky. Being able to afford traveling is a blessing and everyone wants to do it.
Keep all the above-mentioned tips and you are going to be okay. Just pack lighter, keep your budget under control, set aside some emergency funds, go to as many places as you can and enjoy the world while you can. Don’t forget to wear sunscreen, if you are visiting a hot place.